Data Governance

The Georgetown Data Governance (DG) office, under the office of Chief Data Scientist, coordinates, across the University’s multiple stakeholders, the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity and security of the data as well as authorized access, based on internal data standards and policies and in compliance with current state and federal laws and regulations. The DG ensures that data is consistent and trustworthy and doesn’t get misused adhering to established data sharing and usage controls and approval processes.

In all of its health-related endeavors and collaborations, DG is committed to ensuring individuals’ privacy and maintaining security — all in compliance with applicable laws — when its faculty, staff, and students access, use, store, share, or license health data for research purposes. DG is also committed to ensuring that any and all agreements (including but not limited to Business Associate Agreements, Data Sharing Agreements, Data Use Agreements, Service contracts) with its clinical partners are adhered to when GU activities relate to health data from one or more of its clinical partners.


Applicable Laws and Regulations