Detection of viral RNA in tumors (viGEN pipeline) on Cloud

The viGEN pipeline detects and quantifies viral RNA (and hence load) in human tumor samples

Collaborators: Lombardi Experimental Therapeutics and Breast Cancer Programs



  • Using Genomics, Metagenomics and other omics (E-book). Article viGEN: An Open Source Pipeline for the Detection and Quantification of Viral RNA in Human Tumors. Krithika. Bhuvaneshwar, Lei Song, Subha Madhavan and Yuriy Gusev.  Frontiers in Microbiology. May 2019  
  • viGEN: An Open Source Pipeline for the Detection and Quantification of Viral RNA in Human Tumors. Krithika. Bhuvaneshwar, Lei Song, Subha Madhavan and Yuriy Gusev. Frontiers in Microbiology. June 2018.
  • Pipeline for the Detection and Quantification of Viral RNA in Human Tumors.
  • viGEN: An open source pipeline for the detection and quantification of viral RNA in human tumors. Krithika. Bhuvaneshwar, Lei Song, Subha Madhavan and Yuriy Gusev. Biorxviv. Nov 2017.