2016 Biomedical Informatics Symposium at Georgetown October 14, 2016
The 5th annual Biomedical Informatics symposium at Georgetown was a huge success with over 250 registered participants and a poster session that included over 40 selected scientific, team science projects from across the Georgetown community, affiliated local universities, industry sponsors, and other collaborators. Many leaders in the field of bioinformatics joined us to share their work in important areas of Precision Medicine, Big Data in Biomedicine, and Emerging Technologies for Health Data Analytics. TriNetX and Orion Health sponsored a lunch panel that discussed Precision Medicine and Accelerating Clinical Trials. Below is a summary of talks and panel discussions.
The event was graciously supported by many industry partners listed below:

In addition we had institutional support from our Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS), and the Georgetown Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI).
View the program booklet to view the talk titles as well as poster abstracts. For more information about the day please read the #GUInformatics tweets and a new blog post by Subha Madhavan, Chair, Symposium Program Committee.
Presentations from the 2016 Symposium
Keynote Speaker

Jacob Corn, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
We were delighted to welcome Dr. Jacob Corn as the Keynote Speaker for the 2016 ICBI Symposium.
Keynote Address: “The CRISPR/Cas9 revolution, From Biology to Therapy”
Special Session I: Women in Biomedical Informatics

Heidi L. Rehm, PhD, Harvard University Medical School
“Deciphering the Genome: Community Driven Approaches”
Plenary Session I: Precision Medicine Initiatives

Chair: Joshua C. Denny, MD, MS, Vanderbilt University
“Planning for Big Data in the Precision Medicine Initiative”

John Deeken, MD, Inova Health Group
“Pre-clinical to Clinical Pharmacogenetic Analyses: Big Data from the Benchtop to the Bedside”

Richaed L. Schilsky MD, FACP, FASCO
“The Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPUR) Study”

David Spetzler, PhD, MBA, MS, Caris Life Sciences
“Multiplatform Molecular Profiling”
Plenary Session II: Health Data Analytics

Chair: Philip R.O. Payne, PhD, Washington University
“Precision Medicine and Healthcare Transformation: A Tale of Two Populations”

Stuart Goldberg, MD, COTA
“The Digital Oncologist: Using a prognostically driven classification schema to identify variances in cancer treatments, outcomes, and costs”

Juergen Klenk, PhD, Deloitte Consulting.
“Using a prize model to crowd source solutions and resources for health data challenges”

John Raden, Signet Accel
“Scaling the Technology; bench to market”
Special Session II: Genomic Data Commons

Chair: Jean Claude Zenklusen, PhD, MS, National Cancer Institute
“Cancer Genomics at NCI: Newly Commenced Projects”

Robert Grossman, PhD, University of Chicago.
“Large-Scale Data Commons for Genomic and Clinical Data and the Changing Landscape for Sharing Research Data”
Plenary Session III: Georgetown Quantitative Sciences Research Talks

Chair: Peter McGarvey, PhD, Georgetown University

Nathan J. Edwards PhD, Georgetown University
“The Clinical Proteomics Tumor Analysis Consortium: Connecting the Genomics and Proteomics of Cancer”

Simina Boca, PhD, Georgetown University
“Metabolic Biomarkers in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy”

Shweta Bansal, PhD, Georgetown University
“Harnessing Medical Claims Data for Influenza Surveillance and Inference”

Raj Ratwani, PhD, MedStar Health
“Using Eye Movements to Predict Emergency Physician ECG Interpretation”
Regulatory Science at Georgetown University

Erin Wilhelm, MPH, Georgetown University
“Regulatory Science to advance Precision Medicine”
Sponsor Presentations

Matvey B. Palchuk, MD, TriNetX
“TriNetX: A Public/Private Network for Accelerating Clinical Trials”

Dale Moberg, PhD, Orion Health
“The Seven A’s to Precision Medicine”